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On October 1, 2022, important amendments to the Biologists Regulation and Agrologists Regulation, made through Order in Council 482/2022, added additional reserved titles for new limited license categories of registrants.

The new limited license categories provide a pathway for individuals to be granted authority to carry out parts of a reserved practice according to their qualifications and experiences.  Reserving titles for registrants who fall within these categories is beneficial so that the public knows the registrant has limited areas of practice.

Amendments were also made to the Professional Governance General Regulation (PGGR) to conform with recent legislative changes to the Professional Governance Act (PGA) as well as to prescribe additional information for publication under section 18(1) of the PGA.

You can read more about the new credentialling standard for the new limited licence agrologist category on the BC Institute of Agrologists website.

You can read more about the new credentialling standard for the applied biology limited licensee category on the College of Applied Biologists website here.