Declarations of Competence and Conflict of Interest
Declarations of Competence and Conflict of Interest
During the development of the PGA, declarations of competence and conflict of interest were introduced as tools to increase accountability of registered professionals. Based on further engagement, and in recognition of the broad suite of tools available to increase accountability, the PGA was amended in relation to declarations in 2022. The original declaration provisions were revised to provide the authority for the government to implement declarations on a case-by-case basis.
The following measures support registrants in meeting the accountability intent of declarations:
As part of the annual renewal of registration process, regulatory bodies require registrants to self-declare the specific areas or aspects of the profession in which they maintain competency to practice. These annual declarations are published on the register, beginning with the first registration renewal for a regulatory body after the PGA is in force.
To support registrants having a strong understanding of their conflict of interest obligations, regulatory bodies may enhance guidance, their credentialing process, and their continuing education requirements. Additionally, as firms become regulated, they will be required to promote and verify compliance of their staff with the firm’s conflict of interest policy (required in their Professional Practice Management Plan).
More details on declarations and the above measures can be found in the OSPG Guidance: Declarations of Competency and Conflict of Interest.