As part of the OSPG’s work to oversee the governance and functioning of the regulatory bodies under our authority, the OSPG conducts annual performance reviews of aspects of the regulatory bodies’ work.

2022/2023 Performance Review Topics

Building on the work of the familiarization review conducted in 2021/2022, the OSPG conducted performance reviews of the regulatory bodies that have undergone a familiarization review. The table below identifies the topics selected for performance review for each regulatory body.

Regulatory Body Topic 1 Topic 2
Association of BC Forest


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Foreign Credentials Recognition



Foreign Credentials Recognition



Foreign Credentials Recognition




Foreign Credentials Recognition



Foreign Credentials Recognition

Applied Science Technologists

and Technicians of BC

Standards of Competence, Standards

of Professional and Ethical Conduct,

and Practice Guidelines

British Columbia Institute

of Agrologists

Standards of Competence, Standards

of Professional and Ethical Conduct,

and Practice Guidelines

The College of Applied

Biology of BC

Standards of Competence, Standards

of Professional and Ethical Conduct,

and Practice Guidelines

Engineers and Geoscientists

of BC

Complaints and Investigations


The OSPG has concluded the review against specified standards in the OSPG’s Standards of Good Regulation and prepared the report linked below.

2022-2023 Performance Review Report: Standards of Good Regulation


The OSPG has concluded the review on the credential recognition topic and prepared the report linked below.

2022-2023 International Credential Recognition Performance Review

2021-2022 Familiarization Review

At the time the Professional Governance Act (PGA) was brought into force in 2021, the Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance (OSPG) published a general framework for conducting performance reviews of regulatory bodies. Because both the OSPG and regulatory bodies were newly operating under the PGA, the office has taken a phased approach to implementing the performance review program.

A familiarization review was conducted between May 2021 and April 2022 for each of the five regulatory bodies brought under the PGA in February 2021, seeking to enhance the OSPG’s understanding of how each regulatory body is already meeting or planning to meet the draft OSPG Standards of Good Regulation as published in 2021. This process will inform the implementation of the OSPG’s formal performance review program in future years, as well as a review of the Standards.

The familiarization review work involved examining each of the 20 standards, grouped into themed subsets of 4-6 standards, and assessing regulatory bodies against draft performance indicators. Regulatory bodies provided written responses for each phase, indicating how each standard is met (or planned to be met) along with supporting documentation and data. After review and analysis of the written material, OSPG staff conducted follow-up interviews with relevant staff and subject matter experts from the regulatory bodies.

This public report marks the final milestone in this first familiarization review cycle. OSPG findings are presented by theme, covering all 20 standards. This report also includes highlights of select best practices that surfaced during this review. These provide some concrete examples of regulatory bodies’ commitment to satisfying the letter and spirit of the PGA.

Familiarization Review Report 2021-2022