New Limited Licences for Biologists and Agrologists

Categories: News

On October 1, 2022, important amendments to the Biologists Regulation and Agrologists Regulation, made through Order in Council 482/2022, added additional reserved titles for new limited license categories of registrants. The new limited license categories provide a pathway for individuals to be granted authority to carry out parts of a reserved practice according to their … Read More

New reserved practices for applied biology and agrology are now in force. On September 13, 2021, the reserved practices for the College of Applied Biologists (CAB) and the British Columbia Institute of Agrologists (BCIA) were granted through Order in Council 517/2021 with implementation following a year later to allow  professions and practitioners to prepare. The … Read More

The Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance (OSPG) has completed its investigation (assessment) of the home inspection profession following a request from the Deputy Solicitor General to consider designation of Home Inspectors under the Professional Governance Act (PGA). The intentions report provides a summary of OSPG’s investigation process, including engagement completed to date, provides … Read More

The Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance (OSPG) has completed its investigation (assessment) of the landscape architecture profession following a designation application from the BC Society of Landscape Architects (BCSLA) to consider inclusion of landscape architecture under the Professional Governance Act (PGA). The intentions report provides a summary of OSPG’s investigation process, including engagement … Read More

Annual Report

Categories: News

The Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance (OSPG) has filed its third annual report with the Clerk of the legislature. The 2021-2022 Annual Report provides an in-depth look at the year in review. This includes an overview of the work completed in the first year of full operations under the Professional Governance Act (PGA), … Read More

Notice is provided of recruitment for three upcoming lay councillor vacancies to be appointed to the Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC) council. A pool of candidates will be established for the lay councillor vacancies that will coincide with the transition of AIBC to the Professional Governance Act (PGA) later this year. AIBC serves and … Read More

Amendments made to the Professional Governance Act

Categories: News

To improve consistency and best practices across registered professions, David Eby, Attorney General, proposed amendments to the Professional Governance Act that received royal assent on June 2nd. Read about the changes in the April 25th, 2022 BC Government news bulletin here.

New Reserved Practices Established for the College of Applied Biologists and the BC Institute of Agrologists. The Professional Governance Act (PGA) provides for regulated professions to have practice rights.  Currently each of the five regulatory bodies under the PGA have title rights, meaning that only registered professionals may use the titles granted to them by … Read More

The Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance and Engineers and Geoscientists BC are pleased to announce the regulation of professional engineering and professional geoscience firms beginning July 2, 2021. Under the new provincial Professional Governance Act (PGA), entities that engage in the practice of professional engineering or geoscience as part of their operations, including … Read More

The Superintendent of Professional Governance will be undertaking an investigation of the governance of the profession of Home Inspection.  Home inspectors are currently licensed by Consumer Protection BC (CPBC), and they can choose to register with either the Home Inspectors Association of BC (HIABC), or the Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC (ASTTBC).  The … Read More